SW2 manual notch filters and UK VDSL tones

Thanks heavens for the notch filters in SW2! I’ve been trying to work V79XF on 10124.000 with a -90dBm VDSL noise floor which he is just about level with, but with a -74dBm VDSL training tone on 10123.991, that is NINE HERTZ LF of him, and another 4Hz LF of that which is -71dBm.

Without the filters, there is nothing apart from the tones, but a 10Hz wide manual notch set on 10123.987 kills the tones completely and lets me pull him out when the noise floor drops a little.

OK, I feel silly giving a 279 or 389 report, but my neighbours’ VDSL mush makes 30m a solid wall of noise with training tones every 4kHz.

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