I ordered the Prologix GPIB-USB Controller from SGLabs in Italy on Friday 11th March via ebay and it arrived today (Monday 14th March). Impressively fast.
Bought it mostly because it was yellow.
Works really well with my 8562A spectrum analyser, but I haven’t received the GPIB cables I ordered from a UK supplier before placing the order with SGLabs, so only one device at a time for now…
Here’s a quick test of an FSK441 signal on 1296.200 MHz as received off-air by the 8562A, programmed using the KE5FX utilities:
talk 18 "IP;FA 1296.210 MHz;FB 1296.230 MHZ;LG 10 DB;RL -20 DB;RB 100 HZ;AT 0 DB;KSb;KSS;"
start ssm 18 -M -f -cs -w -t
More detailed testing to follow….