Interesting +-17Hz sidebands on PI7ALK 10GHz beacon. Solid S9 signal at 09:20 utc on 26 June 2018 in IO93NR
Nice conditions this evening on 10GHz. PE9GHZ, PI7ALK and DB0WML beacons all loud here in IO93NR East Yorkshire.
DB0MU just announced “Temperatur 17.9C”. Cracking signal from JO31QX at 587km
GB3FNY on 10GHz is only 20km from here, but this is an off-axis reflection from a large windfarm about 20 degrees from the direct path. The doppler shift from the blades shows up nicely in the SDR waterfall, but just listen to the weird whooping note on the signal in the WAV below.
Weak rainscatter reflection from a storm over Derbyshire of the Leicester 3cm beacon GB3LEX
Nice tropo from DB0WML beacon at 576km in JO31MU on 10368.910 MHz. Best was 60dB over noise floor
Machining and Ham Radio experimentation from VLF to SHF