SCAM12 elevation winch

A SCAM12 weighs something over 90kg, and with a rotator and antenna system, it it rather too heavy to lift from horizontal. However, putting it to vertical then trying to lift the antenna up high enough to drop it into the socket on top is just too dangerous. Solution is a winch from the local agricultural merchant.

I has to make an adaptor from the double-flatted shaft to 17mm hex so I could use the original handle with a half-inch square extension
The adaptor, made from stainless steel
The winch uses a flat webbing strap, so I made up a wall-mount pulley to suit.
The big angle-iron bracket holds the SCAM in place once it is up. The bolts go right through to the inside of the wall where there are giant washers to spread the load on the old barn.
Ready to lift
Locked into position with the new az-el driven dish

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